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Trauma Drops Compound 1 Oz.

Trauma Drops Compound 1 Oz.

Product Details


Sold in 1 Oz. bottle, larger sizes available by special order.

A blend of the liquid extracts of:
~~ Calendula flower (Calendula officinalis) 40%
** St. John's Wort flowering tops (Hypericum perforatum) 35%
~~ Arnica flower (Arnica spp.) 25%

** Fresh ~~ Dried

Uses: Specific for treating physical trauma: after injurious accidents (falls, auto accidents, hard blows, sprains, etc.), burns, and before and after surgery. Indicated in: heart strain; strokes; delirium tremens; strained muscles, tendons and ligaments; fractures and dislocations; impaired nerve and spinal innervation and any associated loss of sphincter control (especially urinary incontinence); postpartum pain and soreness (especially after difficult labor). Also indicated in emotional trauma: sudden bad news, violence, terror, hysteria, etc.

Dose: Acute Trauma: Mix 15 to 30 drops in water and take at once. Then take 5 to 10 drops every 1 to 2 hours as needed. Do not exceed 150 drops per day.

Caution: Do not give liquids to anyone who is not fully conscious.

Extended Use: One to three times per day, take 10 to 20 drops in water.

Topical: Can be applied full strength (undiluted) to thermal or sunburns, but not to open wounds or broken skin.

Adjunct Therapy: Trauma Oil Compound is an excellent topical treatment to be used in conjunction with Trauma Drops, but do not apply to open wounds or broken skin.

Cautions: This compound is not a substitute for emergency medical care. Traumatic injuries should be cared for by a qualified healthcare practitioner. Larger doses of Arnica may rarely cause nervous excitement, or irritation of throat and stomach. Prolonged topical use of Arnica, or application to open wounds or broken skin, may rarely cause irritation. Discontinue use if these symptoms appear.

This information is for educational and research purposes only. It is not intended to medically prescribe or promote the sale of any product, nor is it intended to replace qualified medical healthcare. If you have, or think you have a condition which requires medical attention, you should promptly seek qualified healthcare.

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