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4 Oz Bottles available by special order. For Details, pleaseE-mail The Store.

Thyroid Calming AKA Bugleweed ~ Motherwort Tonic 1 Oz.

Thyroid Calming AKA Bugleweed ~ Motherwort Tonic 1 Oz.

Product Details


Sold in 1 Oz. bottle, larger sizes available by special order.

A blend of the liquid extracts of:
~~ Bugleweed flowering herb (Lycopus spp.) 30%
~~ Motherwort flowering tops (Leonurus cardiaca) 30%
** Cactus flower & stem (Selenicereus grandiflorus) 20%
** Lemon Balm leaf & flowering tops (Melissa officinalis) 20%

** Fresh ~~ Dried

Actions: Thyroxine antagonist. Moderates an overactive thyroid gland. General sedative that soothes a nervous or excitable heart.

Uses: Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland). Especially indicated when hyperthyroid condition is associated with nervous, overactive heart with palpitations or tachycardia.

Dose: Three to five times per day, take 30 to 50 drops in water.

Adjunct Therapy: To further support the heart, take 30 to 40 drops of Hawthorn Extract with each dose of the above.

For associated nervousness or tremor, take 30 to 40 drops of Nervous System Tonic with each dose of the above. For associated sleeplessness, take Relaxing Sleep Tonic as directed.

Cautions: Hyperthyroidism can be a serious, life-threatening disease and should be treated under the care of a qualified healthcare practitioner. This herbal compound may not be compatible with drugs used to treat hyperthyroidism. Consult your healthcare practitioner before mixing the two.

This information is for educational and research purposes only. It is not intended to medically prescribe or promote the sale of any product, nor is it intended to replace qualified medical healthcare. If you have, or think you have a condition which requires medical attention, you should promptly seek qualified healthcare.

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