Saint John's Wort 1 Oz. (Hypercum perforatum)

Product Details
ounce, cut and sifted.100% Certified USDA Organic & Kosher.
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has a long and colorful history.
Records of its use as a medicinal herb stretch back to ancient Greece and Rome,
where it was credited with treating wounds and easing depression. Its flowering
period around Midsummer has led to an association with St. John the Baptist,
and some believed the plant held protective powers against evil spirits.
Medicinally, St. John's Wort remains a popular herbal remedy,
particularly for mild to moderate depression. Research suggests it may
influence brain chemicals like serotonin, potentially improving mood. However,
it's important to note that St. John's Wort can interact with certain
medications, so consulting a healthcare professional before use is crucial.
Note: St. John’s Wort can cause photodermatitis with sun exposure, use with
Finally, St. John's Wort has roots in magical practices. In some
traditions, it was burned as incense for purification or carried as a charm for
protection. The vibrant yellow flowers were associated with the sun and fire.
All DragonMarsh Herb, Tea & Spice Blends are guaranteed to be HERBACIDE / PESTACIDE FREE & NON-IRADAITED.