Poke Root 1/2 Oz. (Phytolacca americana)

Product Details
half ounce, cut and sifted.100% Certified USDA Organic & Kosher.
Poke Root (Phytolacca americana), also known as pokeweed. Native
Americans have utilized various parts of the Poke Root for medicinal purposes
for centuries.
Medicinally, Poke Root has been used to treat a variety of
ailments. Early herbalists used it for rheumatism, skin conditions, and even as
a laxative. Modern research is investigating the potential of Poke Root
extracts for their antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Interestingly, Poke Root has also found its place in magical
practices. In some traditions, it's been associated with protection and warding
off evil spirits. The dark purple berries were even used to create magenta ink,
and the root was said to possess magical properties for divination and
communication with the spirit world.
All DragonMarsh Herb, Tea & Spice Blends are guaranteed to be HERBACIDE / PESTACIDE FREE & NON-IRADAITED.