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Nervous System Tonic AKA Avena Skullcap 1 Oz.

Nervous System Tonic AKA Avena Skullcap 1 Oz.

Product Details

NERVOUS SYSTEM TONIC Restorative Nerve Tonic

Sold in 1 Oz. bottle, larger sizes available by special order.

A blend of the liquid extracts of:
** Skullcap flowering herb (Scutellaria lateriflora) 25%
** Oat "milky" seed (Avena sativa) 25%
** St. John's Wort flower & bud (Hypericum perforatum) 20%
~~ Celery seed (Apium graveolens) 15%
~~ Lavender flower (Lavandula angustifolia) 15%

** Fresh ~~ Dried

Actions: While this compound has a mild sedative action, it primarily serves as a restorative tonic to the entire nervous system.

Uses: Indicated in nervous affections associated with low or exhausted nerve force. It is a specific for neurasthenia (�nervous exhaustion�) and nerve weakness that is the result of severe or prolonged illness or stress (The patient says �I just can�t seem to get my energy back�). It can be helpful in nervous breakdown, depression, jittery nerves, nervous heart disorders, restlessness and mental fatigue, delirium tremens and drug withdrawal (marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, cocaine, heroin, etc.). This compound may also be helpful as adjunct therapy in the treatment of epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson�s disease.

Dose: Three to five times per day, take 20 to 40 drops in water. Take last drops of the day just before bed. For optimal results, take for 1 to 3 months.

Adjunct Therapy: As a general tonic to relieve the physical and mental fatigue associated with stress and worry, take 25 to 40 drops of Eleuthero Extract 2 or 3 times per day. If sleeplessness results, do not take at night.

Cautions: As this compound contains alcohol, it should not be used in the treatment of alcoholics who have ceased the intake of all alcohol. Some of the maladies listed above can be serious health problems and will require treatment by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

This information is for educational and research purposes only. It is not intended to medically prescribe or promote the sale of any product, nor is it intended to replace qualified medical healthcare. If you have, or think you have a condition which requires medical attention, you should promptly seek qualified healthcare.

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