Ginger, White 1/2 Oz. (Sugared Candied Root) (Zingiber officinale)

Product Details
One half ounce, candied cubed root pieces, no skin, covered with real sugar. Certified USDA Organic & Kosher.
Use as an ingredient in teas, cookies, fingerfoods. Or enjoy as is, one sweet piece at a time.
These are ginger root slices that have been cooked in sugar syrup and coated with granulated sugar. It is best made of larger roots that are free of fibers. The flavor of the ginger and the heat depends on the age of the ginger. Our ginger is of 2-3 years old and has enough flavor but not the toughness of older ginger roots. It is sometimes referred to as Candied Ginger. Use small slices in baking, or on meats. Or slice it into a fresh cup of tea for the sweetness and flavor.
All DragonMarsh Herb, Tea & Spice Blends are guaranteed to be HERBACIDE / PESTACIDE FREE & NON-IRADAITED.