Gentian Root 1/2 Oz. (Gentiana spp. Radix)

Product Details
half ounce, cut and sifted.100% Certified USDA Organic & Kosher.
Gentian Root (Gentiana spp Radix) has a multifaceted history.
Traditionally, different Gentiana species have been used in various regions. In
Europe, Gentiana lutea L. has been a mainstay, documented for its medicinal
properties as early as the first century AD. Meanwhile, in Traditional Chinese
Medicine, different Gentiana species, like Gentiana scabra Bunge, hold a
central place, referred to as "Long Dan" and used for its purported
effects on the liver and gallbladder channels.
Medicinally, gentian root has been used for centuries to address
digestive issues. Its intensely bitter properties stimulate the production of
digestive juices, aiding in food breakdown and nutrient absorption.
In some European folk traditions, Gentian roots were believed to
possess protective qualities, warding off evil spirits and promoting good
health. It was also sometimes incorporated into love charms or rituals for
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