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Chinese Five Spice Powder 1 Oz. Bag (Salt Free)

Chinese Five Spice Powder 1 Oz. Bag (Salt Free)

Product Details

Ingredients: Star Anise, Cloves, Cinnamon, Fennel & Black Pepper

This Chinese Spice Blend historically was a mixture of 5 or 6 spices. Depending on the part of the country it was not always the same 5 or 6 spices. It is usually used in the Southern Asia Countries primarily on roasted meats or poultry which tended to taste rather gamy. To the North, they are used more on sweet accessory dishes as rice puddings, sweet sauces and fruit mixtures. Our mixture is made of Star Anise, Cloves, Cinnamon, Fennel & Black Pepper and blended to use on any kind of dish desired.

For cooking foods like roast pork, roast duck & BBQ spare ribs. Try 1/2 -1 tsp per 4 servings, or add to stir fry dishes. Use in various Chinese & other oriental style dishes or try sprinkling on Hot Chocolate and Mulled Cider!

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