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Blessed Thistle 1 Oz. (Centaurea benedicta)

Blessed Thistle 1 Oz. (Centaurea benedicta)

Product Details

One ounce, cut and sifted. 100% Certified USDA Organic & Kosher.

Blessed Thistle (Centaurea benedicta) has a rich history dating back to ancient times. Early herbalists in the Mediterranean region documented its uses, and by the Middle Ages, it was cultivated throughout Europe for its medicinal properties. Folklore associated the plant with St. Benedict, leading to its name "blessed thistle," and it was believed to ward off evil spirits and promote good health.

Medicinally, Blessed Thistle has been used for a variety of ailments. Traditional uses include treating digestive issues like indigestion and loss of appetite, as well as liver problems and fevers. The flowering heads and leaves are typically dried and brewed into tea or used in tinctures.

Magickly, Blessed Thistle is associated with purification, protection, and healing. Some practitioners incorporate it into rituals or spells for these purposes, while others carry it as a charm for good health or to ward off negativity.

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