DragonMarsh - We sell Tea, Herbs, Stones/Crystals, Incense, Essential and Perfume Oils

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Spiritual Oils

Magickal (a.k.a. Spiritual) oils have many uses, for instance: wear as a personal oil (test on skin first); use to anoint your candles, stones, talismans, spell bundles or spirit bags; put a small spoonful in a bath to create a ritual bath; put a small amount in water and use in your aromatherapy burner or ring; scenting for potpourri; use as a liquid incense on incense charcoal; and they may also be used for any other magickal purpose. For example, you might put a dab of Employment Oil on your résumé, or dab the wall over your house doors with House Blessing Oil.

Spiritual Oils

DragonMarsh oils are created with positive intentions, for positive intentions. We do not make or sell any negative or unethical oils such as 'hexing' or 'bend to my will' oil. We strongly encourage that before focusing your energy on a project, you ask yourself if your intentions will harm no one in any way, either mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

If the answer is yes or even maybe...don't do it!

These blends are made with quality DragonMarsh herbs and oils during the correct moon phase and endowed with the correct energy for each purpose. The blends are colored according to basic color magick guidelines using FDA approved colors. Exercise caution, as colored oils may stain fabrics, walls or skin. DragonMarsh Magickal Oils are NOT for internal use (i.e., don’t drink them!).

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