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Pms Comfort Tonic 1 Oz.

Pms Comfort Tonic 1 Oz.

Product Details

PMS COMFORT TONIC Women's Premenstrual Syndrome Tonic

Sold in 1 Oz. bottle, larger sizes available by special order.

A blend of the liquid extracts of:
~~ Chaste Tree berry (Vitex agnus-castus) 25%
~~ Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis) 25%
~~ Motherwort leaf & flower (Leonurus cardiaca) 25%
~~ Muira Puama stem bark (Ptychopetalum olacoides) 15%
~~ Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale) 10%

~~ Dried

Actions: Helps balance progesterone/estrogen levels. Soothing to uterus. Mildly relaxing to nervous system.

Uses: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with associated irritability, depression, moodiness, bloating, breast fullness and tenderness, and weight gain.

Dose: Take 30 to 40 drops in water, two or three times per day. Best started two or three days before onset of PMS symptoms and continued until menstruation begins. If symptoms persist, take throughout menstrual period.

Adjunct Therapy: Women's Health Tonic can be helpful as a general gynecological tonic. Take 30 to 40 drops with the above doses.

Cautions: While PMS is not a disease, be aware of any symptoms that indicate gynecological problems that would require treatment by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

This information is for educational and research purposes only. It is not intended to medically prescribe or promote the sale of any product, nor is it intended to replace qualified medical healthcare. If you have, or think you have a condition which requires medical attention, you should promptly seek qualified healthcare.

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